Hi-Fructose Issue 34

By: Hi-Fructose

Hi-Fructose Issue 34 kicks 2015 off with a bang! Featuring a cover by Big Eyes icon Margaret Keane  with an exclusive interview with the artist by Long Gone John and an introduction by Megan Besmirched! This issue also feature an awesome 16-page insert featuring the mixed-media works of Canadian artist Gary Taxali!!

The issue starts with the carpet sculptures of Faig Ahmed, the paintings of Joanne Nam, then descend into the public stick sculptures of Patrick Dougherty. The issue continues with Tricia Cline’s amazingly strange and detailed sculptures, Jonathan Viner’s paintings, Canadian director Floria Sigismondi’s photography and exclusive interview. Then we revisit the assemblage sculptures of Kris Kuksi with a major feature showing his latest exhibition, plus the new William Mortensen book, Click Mort, and much more, all in one perfect bound issue!

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