To celebrate World Pride in Toronto from June 20-28th, we hosted a contest called MAKE YOUR OWN RAINBOW, to spread our collective love for Pride.


Following the example of the big rainbow we made with all the coloured products in our shop, we invited contestants upload pictures of rainbows to Instagram with the caption: Hi @magicponyland, check out my #rainbow love for #worldpride #makeyourownrainbow

The prizes were 3 gift certificates to our online store and winners were judged on humour, fun, originality, and magic! After reviewing all of the amazing submissions, we have chosen 3 winners!

…Drum roll please!

1st PRIZE WINNER for $100 gift certificate = fishefeelings

pride contest winner fishefeelings

2nd PRIZE WINNER for $50 gift certificate = awildvine

pride contest winner awildvine

3rd PRIZE WINNER for $25 gift certificate = maddyvstheinternet

pride contest winner maddyvstheinternet

Thank you to everyone who participated in our contest!  We had so much fun looking through all of your rainbows! We hope everyone had a happy and safe Pride! If you missed this contest and want to participate in upcoming Magic Pony contests,  follow us @magicponyland on  Instagram!